1. Young Justice (Batman and friends)
The Young Justice have their happy meals from McDonalds for the first time. They are surprised to see miniature versions of themselves in the box. Their leader, Batman, gets angry at them because he thinks it is some sort of conspiracy to take the team down.
The story flow is fairly well. It introduces all the characters slowly as the story progresses to the end of the first chapter, with the main character(Batman) introduced last.
2. Kick Ass
Describes some inner twisted thoughts and emotions of two of the characters with many detail.
The descriptions are very detailed but lacks main information readers need to know about the characters. After reading the story, some people still might not fully understand who is who.
3. House M.D.
A deviation of the TV drama series 'House M.D.'. Lisa Cuddy, the main character of this story, wakes up to the day that she is getting married to a man.
For ones who have seen the series already, this is a very very interesting ending with surprise. The twist in the end makes this story amazing.
4. Austin Powers
While Austin Powers, the English spy, is trying to stop Dr. Evil from destroying the world, Iron man comes out of nowhere and blasts the two Austin Powers from the future and the past. Somehow, in the end, two Iron mans kill Dr. Evil by blasting his ass into pieces, twice.
Story starts with the normal storyline of the actual Austin Powers, but all of a sudden Iron man comes into the picture extremely randomly. No relevance of Iron man and Austin Powers were made, making the story a bit random and the humor not very successful.
5. How I Met Your Mother
The story begins with Robin joining the kindergarden where she meets all of her future best friends one by one.
Storyline is excellent and creative, without losing any of the characteristics of the characters of the TV series 'How I Met Your Mother'. Overall, this fanfic is different than the actual TV series but still remains the humor of it.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Catherine's Five Fanfic Links
The OC
This explains the story of a moment (or series of moments) from The OC that was left blank from the TV series, a series of moments that the author has hoped to recreate in this story.
Summer has been left heartbroken at the end of season 1, and at the beginning of season 2 she is already with another guy, Zach. This story gives suggestion as to their meeting.
Taking into consideration the actual story (a show that I am terribly familiar with) this is a very plausible explanation as to the initial meeting of Summer and Zach. It worked as stayed quite true to the dialogue and actions of the original characters.
Summer has been left heartbroken at the end of season 1, and at the beginning of season 2 she is already with another guy, Zach. This story gives suggestion as to their meeting.
Taking into consideration the actual story (a show that I am terribly familiar with) this is a very plausible explanation as to the initial meeting of Summer and Zach. It worked as stayed quite true to the dialogue and actions of the original characters.
This story gives a glimpse of Dorothy’s life, three years after being in OZ, coming home and missing the friends she made three years ago.
I liked the addition that this story makes to the exact moments after Dorothy has left OZ, but I do find the three year gap a little unbelievable, although the movie does like to compare Kansas to OZ so this keeps quite true when imaging that Dorothy’s dull life is thought to change very little upon her return to OZ.
I liked the addition that this story makes to the exact moments after Dorothy has left OZ, but I do find the three year gap a little unbelievable, although the movie does like to compare Kansas to OZ so this keeps quite true when imaging that Dorothy’s dull life is thought to change very little upon her return to OZ.
This is just a short snippet that could be placed towards the end of the novel between Scout, Dill and Miss Maudie and talks about bravery and what makes people brave.
This is quite a cute scene where Miss Maudie explains to Scout some reasons that Jem and herself were allowed to watch the court trial by Atticus.
It could be quite true, but I think it would be better if Calpurnia was the one talking to the kids and explaining things like this.
It could be quite true, but I think it would be better if Calpurnia was the one talking to the kids and explaining things like this.
The turning of the entire Gilmore Girl’s plotline so that Rory rewrites history upon finding out she is pregnant at a young age.
I’m not sure how people can write aspects of this, even though they know what happens in the original story, as this piece of fanfic completely alters the entire story and cancels out Rory’s one true love! But it is written well, and includes some of the quick quips that GG is famous for, but I think this story doesn’t quite encapsulate the character of Jess as well as hoped/expected.
I’m not sure how people can write aspects of this, even though they know what happens in the original story, as this piece of fanfic completely alters the entire story and cancels out Rory’s one true love! But it is written well, and includes some of the quick quips that GG is famous for, but I think this story doesn’t quite encapsulate the character of Jess as well as hoped/expected.
This is a reflection of Langdon as he stares at the tombstone of his one true love, after she has died much to young.
Although the reflection aspect of this fanfic could have fit within the script of the original movie, I do feel as though there were similar scenes which makes this piece a rewrite of something that has occurred already. The characters are staying quite true to themselves which makes it more of a bearable read.
Although the reflection aspect of this fanfic could have fit within the script of the original movie, I do feel as though there were similar scenes which makes this piece a rewrite of something that has occurred already. The characters are staying quite true to themselves which makes it more of a bearable read.
My 5 Fan Fiction Link's Chris Ashley
Now remember this is in no particular order. I love the comedies and sadly have the otaku in me to pop up some of my favourite anime :D
1. Bottom is a fantastic TV show. For those that have watched this you will love that story very much a typical bottom story line. Anyway stars the awesome Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmonson
This blog is constructed in an episode format. Simple story line is always true in the bottom series. This episode (Reach for the Sky) is brilliantly constructed in terms of sticking true to the producers of the original show. Characters Richie (Rik Mayall) and Eddie (Adrian Edmonson) find themselves with next door Neighbours (Rotweilers) Sky Digital box after he throws it at Eddie for conducting drunken behaviour outside his flat. Rik then hatches an idea to use the Sky Digi box in a compromising fashion in which Rotweiler then finds out to his dismay once returning from holiday.
As stated earlier the episode was constructed very close to what the original producers of the show would have considered to be a great idea. All traditional slap stick humour is in this episode and all antics intact. For those who are fans of the series a perfect piece of fan fiction is there for you to read. Definitely loved the part about compromising the box. However the problem with Bottom as always is whether you enjoy/can visually picture and link the voice to the characters written about. Can be seen as a little shallow in some cases.
Rated : B (great read but definitely fans of the series friendly)
2. GTO (Expanded Great Teacher Onizuka) is a fantastic anime about a rebel teacher getting into trouble teaching kids about life rather than traditional education.
In episode format (High School Complications) this is a fantastic addition to the developing love between Anko and Yoshikawa. Simply put the two Anko and Yoshikawa find themselves in a battle with their parents, friends and of course the mischievous GTO Onizuka. Forced into a situation where their love (based on the anime TV series) is locked into a battle between all around them Onizuka brings their parents together to cause havoc stating they should get married. Freaking out the two go off in different directions searching and trying to find if their love will stay true through marriage or not. With the help of Onizuka and Urumi in the 2nd chapter they find their feelings for each other again and the story leaves the reader thinking that the two will be married eventually.
I loved reading this. To be honest I was sceptical at first reading Anime Fan Fiction due to the maturity level of some of the material I have browsed before. However this seems to stay true to the TV series with nothing remotely strange and all highly believable (in terms of the TV series). The characters stick to themselves and fantastically come together at the end. Again only true fans to the series would enjoy this. As well as first timers to the series but not to Anime (sometimes predictable dialogue)
Rating : B+ (Nice work but for Anime fans only)
3. The Hangover is a fantastic movie for those who have seen. A lot of things you can relate to if you have ever been on a bender in the weekend :D
The Hangover has been criticised for it's obvious plots, re-usable formula but I think this may be gold. The story in a nut shell is in the same format as usual. The boys all head out for a nice trip (and of course a drink/party) without the ladies. Finding they do not have the correct date on the tickets they gain access to a private jet and head out to their destination. Although everything was checked they hit the bar in the air and cut scene to the next morning and eventually crash landing. Once up events ravel to unfold where they confirm there was a conspiracy against them.
I loved this story! A very good read and fantastic to see new character developments where Alan is not responsible after all! Either which way I would love to see this converted to a movie with added material and consideration into dialogue. However on chapter 3 a bit of surprise when the creator ran out of steam. A very sad end to a fantastic and well thought story! Either which way looking past this we can agree this is a fantastic addition to the Hangover series! Read up!
Rating : A- (lacks a closure but a highly original story)
4. Conkers Bad Fur Day is a infamous game about a cute little squirrel trying to find his way home. However the story is not as child and PC as you think. The game (originally on Nintendo 64 platform) was infamous for being rude, hilarious and disgusting all at the same time.
This story continues on where the game left off (with conker as king of the land) and progresses from there. A very believable ending to the game and in honest opinion very nice to see characters kept and progressed in the story line. Conker finds himself wanting his deceased girlfriend Berri back. Finding Berri trapped in another creatures body the go in search for her original body. Running into various complications like fighting monsters and getting the wrong bodies for Berri they eventually get what they are looking for finishing up at the local Cock and Plucker pub.
Personally I was a bit worried about the whole atmosphere of the story (even the original) due to it's almost seemingly kiddy
Rating : C
5. Monty Python
Having a look at the fiction available I remember a movie called Monty Python and the Holy Grail where there was a scene with the Knights Who Say NI! I then stumbled upon this beauty! The Knights Who Say NI hand book! although short and sharp I found this humorous. Simply out this is a narration on how silly the group known as the Knights Who Sat NI really are. Not a huge plot just simply dialogue back and forth between real characters of the movie.
If I had to rate this I would think if this as a long joke rather than Fan Fiction traditional methods where there are large entries/paragraphs. However I guess this is still Fan Fiction! A nice quick read but sadly nothing too original. I would like to have seen something original in regards to avoiding quotes from the movie and creating their own but sadly I am a sucker for the Monty Python group (and will probably always be!) A nice read for those looking for a laugh but sadly shallow and used quotes included.
Rating : C
1. Bottom is a fantastic TV show. For those that have watched this you will love that story very much a typical bottom story line. Anyway stars the awesome Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmonson
This blog is constructed in an episode format. Simple story line is always true in the bottom series. This episode (Reach for the Sky) is brilliantly constructed in terms of sticking true to the producers of the original show. Characters Richie (Rik Mayall) and Eddie (Adrian Edmonson) find themselves with next door Neighbours (Rotweilers) Sky Digital box after he throws it at Eddie for conducting drunken behaviour outside his flat. Rik then hatches an idea to use the Sky Digi box in a compromising fashion in which Rotweiler then finds out to his dismay once returning from holiday.
As stated earlier the episode was constructed very close to what the original producers of the show would have considered to be a great idea. All traditional slap stick humour is in this episode and all antics intact. For those who are fans of the series a perfect piece of fan fiction is there for you to read. Definitely loved the part about compromising the box. However the problem with Bottom as always is whether you enjoy/can visually picture and link the voice to the characters written about. Can be seen as a little shallow in some cases.
Rated : B (great read but definitely fans of the series friendly)
2. GTO (Expanded Great Teacher Onizuka) is a fantastic anime about a rebel teacher getting into trouble teaching kids about life rather than traditional education.
In episode format (High School Complications) this is a fantastic addition to the developing love between Anko and Yoshikawa. Simply put the two Anko and Yoshikawa find themselves in a battle with their parents, friends and of course the mischievous GTO Onizuka. Forced into a situation where their love (based on the anime TV series) is locked into a battle between all around them Onizuka brings their parents together to cause havoc stating they should get married. Freaking out the two go off in different directions searching and trying to find if their love will stay true through marriage or not. With the help of Onizuka and Urumi in the 2nd chapter they find their feelings for each other again and the story leaves the reader thinking that the two will be married eventually.
I loved reading this. To be honest I was sceptical at first reading Anime Fan Fiction due to the maturity level of some of the material I have browsed before. However this seems to stay true to the TV series with nothing remotely strange and all highly believable (in terms of the TV series). The characters stick to themselves and fantastically come together at the end. Again only true fans to the series would enjoy this. As well as first timers to the series but not to Anime (sometimes predictable dialogue)
Rating : B+ (Nice work but for Anime fans only)
3. The Hangover is a fantastic movie for those who have seen. A lot of things you can relate to if you have ever been on a bender in the weekend :D
The Hangover has been criticised for it's obvious plots, re-usable formula but I think this may be gold. The story in a nut shell is in the same format as usual. The boys all head out for a nice trip (and of course a drink/party) without the ladies. Finding they do not have the correct date on the tickets they gain access to a private jet and head out to their destination. Although everything was checked they hit the bar in the air and cut scene to the next morning and eventually crash landing. Once up events ravel to unfold where they confirm there was a conspiracy against them.
I loved this story! A very good read and fantastic to see new character developments where Alan is not responsible after all! Either which way I would love to see this converted to a movie with added material and consideration into dialogue. However on chapter 3 a bit of surprise when the creator ran out of steam. A very sad end to a fantastic and well thought story! Either which way looking past this we can agree this is a fantastic addition to the Hangover series! Read up!
Rating : A- (lacks a closure but a highly original story)
4. Conkers Bad Fur Day is a infamous game about a cute little squirrel trying to find his way home. However the story is not as child and PC as you think. The game (originally on Nintendo 64 platform) was infamous for being rude, hilarious and disgusting all at the same time.
This story continues on where the game left off (with conker as king of the land) and progresses from there. A very believable ending to the game and in honest opinion very nice to see characters kept and progressed in the story line. Conker finds himself wanting his deceased girlfriend Berri back. Finding Berri trapped in another creatures body the go in search for her original body. Running into various complications like fighting monsters and getting the wrong bodies for Berri they eventually get what they are looking for finishing up at the local Cock and Plucker pub.
Personally I was a bit worried about the whole atmosphere of the story (even the original) due to it's almost seemingly kiddy
Rating : C
5. Monty Python
Having a look at the fiction available I remember a movie called Monty Python and the Holy Grail where there was a scene with the Knights Who Say NI! I then stumbled upon this beauty! The Knights Who Say NI hand book! although short and sharp I found this humorous. Simply out this is a narration on how silly the group known as the Knights Who Sat NI really are. Not a huge plot just simply dialogue back and forth between real characters of the movie.
If I had to rate this I would think if this as a long joke rather than Fan Fiction traditional methods where there are large entries/paragraphs. However I guess this is still Fan Fiction! A nice quick read but sadly nothing too original. I would like to have seen something original in regards to avoiding quotes from the movie and creating their own but sadly I am a sucker for the Monty Python group (and will probably always be!) A nice read for those looking for a laugh but sadly shallow and used quotes included.
Rating : C
Marcus' 5 Fan Fiction Links
True Blood is a T.V adaption of a popular book series, written by Charlaine Harris.
The main character is Sookie Stackhouse, a telepath, living in a World where having vampires as neighbors is the norm. She is constantly surrounded by danger due to her love with Bill Compton and attraction to Eric Northman, who are both vampires. Later on in the series, we find out that Sookie is actually a fairy, which explains her delicious scent and ability to read minds.
In this particular fanfiction, Godric (a 2000 year old vampire), is convinced by Sookie to not end his life, due to her belief that he has the ability to change the lifestyle of all vampires for the greater good!
This plot is very unrealistic and hard to believe, as the character Godric was one of the wisest vampires to ever exist! The idea of this character altering his time of death -which is a big deal to vampires, cayse they're immortal n stuff- for a fairy is highly unlikely!
This would've been more interesting if Sookie used her fairy powers, and killed Godrick herself.
Or if the author replaced Godric, with Lorena (Bill's maker), and made Sookie convince her to repent for her sick lifestyle.
Needed another fan fiction link so I chose Harry Potter! OH JOY! Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter, I think? If you don't, BOOO (N).
Here, the author has created a storyline where Luna Lovegood is taken to Azakabam (a prison for wizards), for having her part in opening the Chamber of Secrets. Harry protests and decides to stay with Luna at the prison.
The author has done a good job with predicting the actions of the characters. For example, I also believe that if this happened in the book, Harry would've have also protested because he cares too much for his friends.
To improve this, maybe the author could've put in more action with Harry fighting dementors or protecting Lunar.
3.Vampire Diaries

This fan fiction is made to focus on Bonnie the witch.
The story creates a different ending to season 3. Instead of Klaus becoming the worlds first hybrid, Bonnie and her friends stop this from happening. She ends up being kidnapped and forced to create a spell to give vampires the ability to reproduce.
The story was quite long, and at times boring. In the tv series, Bonnie doesn't use much of her powers, even though she's one of the most powerful witches alive. This annoys me! I hoped that by reading this fan fiction story, I would be satisfied, but I wasn't.
To improve this story, more witch action is necessary, especially if the witch is the main focus. Other than that, the story wasn't too bad. Wouldn't read it again though, its very long.
This fan fiction is made to focus on Bonnie the witch.
The story creates a different ending to season 3. Instead of Klaus becoming the worlds first hybrid, Bonnie and her friends stop this from happening. She ends up being kidnapped and forced to create a spell to give vampires the ability to reproduce.
The story was quite long, and at times boring. In the tv series, Bonnie doesn't use much of her powers, even though she's one of the most powerful witches alive. This annoys me! I hoped that by reading this fan fiction story, I would be satisfied, but I wasn't.
To improve this story, more witch action is necessary, especially if the witch is the main focus. Other than that, the story wasn't too bad. Wouldn't read it again though, its very long.
I assume later on in the story (when its written) it will follow her journey to discovering her power and her success to becoming a Captain. Since her grandfather is so powerful, I suppose she will also be quite powerful.
Although there is only one chapter, it seems like it will be quite interesting to follow up on.
In the story the main character only been introduced, so it would be hard to comment on what I like/dislike about it. I think it would be good to maybe introduce some signs of showing she has great power.
But so far I like what the author has done.
This story is about how Cameron, John's robot protector came to be. It shows the struggles of understanding human emotion, and how difficult it is to be accepted by her human team members. She continues to question the reason for future John sending her back (in the past), to protect the present, John Connor.
I like how the author shows the bonding of robot and human through fun games, like soccer and how quickly they begin to trust her. I also like how the author does a good job at describing how the characters feel about having a robot living with them, he/she uses a lot of descriptive language.
Some things which could be improved would be the waffling. There are some scenes that are just pointless, and have no reason to be!
Apart from that, I enjoyed reading this fan fiction!
Marcus' Fan Fiction Draft
The following fan fiction story, is a follow up on the film "I am number Four", directed by DJ Caruso. Enjoy!
"BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP" drones my black motorola. I grab my phone, turn off my alarm, and go back to sleep. The 6oclock sun slowly rises over the botany hills, it's brilliant white rays slowly creep through my curtains, and over my closed eyes. I pull my blanket over my eyes, as qucikly as a vampire would, to protect myself from the vicious rays.
"BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP" drones my black motorola. I grab my phone, turn off my alarm, and go back to sleep. The 6oclock sun slowly rises over the botany hills, it's brilliant white rays slowly creep through my curtains, and over my closed eyes. I pull my blanket over my eyes, as qucikly as a vampire would, to protect myself from the vicious rays.
"JAMES, WAKE THE HELL UP! YOU'RE GOING TO MISS YOUR BUS!" screams Catherine, otherwise known as my Cêpan (protector). She's been quite bossy lately, maybe its that time of month? My train of thought is rudely interrupted by her intention to throw the dog chewn baseball lying beside my wardrobe at me . She goes to grab it, I quickly imagine the ball in my hand, SHHWOOOSSH, the ball flies straight to me, just before shes able to reach it. If it wasn't for my gifts, or legacies, I'd have a black eye by now.Catherine glares at me. I look at her and slyly smile,"I bet you wish you never taught that" I tease.
"HA! Lets see if you can do that the next time we're faced with Mogadorians!" she mocks. Mogadorians are the evil alien species which took over my planet 12 years ago. They destroyed everything, just like they did to the last planet. There were 9 children in the Garde, we were sent here to develop our powers in hope that one day, we'd take back our planet. However, theres only 6 of us now. Number 1,2 and 3 have already been killed. They're after number 4 now. I'm number 5, so that means I'm next. There was a charm placed on us before we escaped Lorien. If a Mogadorian tried to kill me before he killed number 4, he would not succeed, due to the charm. I developed my legacies when I was 15, now I'm 18. My powers are quite mature now, and I can control them. I read/control minds, control the weather. Catherine says that theres more to come and I'll just keep getting stronger. Currently I'm studying Japanese at university, Catherine said its quite similar to the Lorien language, so I should learn it. I get out of my bed and get ready for school.
I walk through the clear automatic doors which smoothly slither open, and welcome me into AUT tower. I make my way to the crowded lifts, if only I could use my powers, I wouldn't have to wait in this endless cue. I walk into class ten minutes late and meet my teacher's evil gaze,
"doushite osokunarimashitaka?" she asks,
"Ummm, I missed the bus, sorry" I lie. I go take a seat next to my friends.
20 minutes into the lesson, I start getting a painful migraine. Not long after that, blood starts gushing out my nose onto the desk. I get up and sprint to the bathroom. I can't see straight though, and I knock a few people over on the way. I get into the bathroom, and quickly call Catherine, it goes straight to voicemail. Thats weird, I think to myself. Catherine's phone never goes to voicemail. A million thoughts spew into my mind at once. What if the Mogadorians got her? I quickly find some toilet paper to shove up my nose, its still bleeding.
"AAAAHHHHHH" I hear a scream from the corridor, quickly followed by a loud bang. I slowly open the bathroom door and peer out the little gap. Theres a 8ft tall white man, wearing a long black leather coat, talking to my lifeless teacher, he asks her
Tk's 5 Fan Fiction Link
(Picture taken from http://futureofforestry.blogspot.com/2010/04/future-of-forestry-on-abc-greys-anatomy.html)
Greys AnatomyTwisted Valentines
Twisted Valentines is like a semi spin off of the popular TV soap, Grey's Anatomy. The main character of this fan fiction is Arizona Robbins and Mark Sloan. It touches on the after math of a break up between Robbins and Callie Torres, and introduces the beginning of a romance between Robbins and Sloan.
I found that that this fan fiction would only be partially understood by someone who watched the TV series as the author did not introduce the characters or explained any part of the story line before hand. But even if the reader had been a fan of Grey's Anatomy before hand they would dislike this fan fiction as the writer had failed to grasp the characteristics of the mains in the story missing the original flavours of the witty drama.
Stranger Danger Fan fiction
This is the first chapter to a series of fan fiction written based on Grey's Anatomy. The beginning is introduced to us with a voice over by Meredith Grey.The first chapter informs the reader of a possible pregnacy between Meredith and Derek Shepherd. It then continues to the possible main story of the series about a boy Marcus and some psychological issues. The chapter ends with a suspense and leaves the reader wondering what is wrong with the boy.
The idea of opening the beginning with a voice over; just like in the beginning of every episode in the original is a fantastic idea. It places the reader in the soaps theme right from the beginning.
Believable character conversation. Same conversation atmosphere and rhythm in conversation and love hate relationship between the characters. The writer is able to capture the personalities of each character in the drama well and is able to present them in their dialogues
Finding Nemo
Remember, Remember
Remember, Remember is based on the award winning film animation Finding Nemo. This was a short snippet of a day after the events in the film where Dory starts remembering things but later falls back into her short term memory lost.
The story was a bit cliche and unoriginal. Although the plot line was believable i found it to be too cliche and expected, it lacked the lightheartedness and comedy that Finding Nemo has.
Believable but boring 6/10
Chris's Fan Fiction DRAFT
The Story Of Polly,
An executive women............... My partner Polly and I have dated for some time now. However dreams hit hard. When someone is together with another person they start to know not only the habits of their nature. But also they know the person almost better then themselves. They all believe that there is a certain level of telepathy like behaviour between husband and wife. Usually some people are more in tune of this feature where others aren't. Not capable? Not able? Not interested? The human mind is a fascinating thing. But none so other that my own recently. Polly has bugged me to get married for such a long time. My friends Jim and Sky are indifferent to the decision. Friends are a difficult function. Something told by others you should have, but in some cases not needed. I for one struggle understanding logic of friends. Like the butterfly effect one thing said changes the whole ball game. I tend to stick my foot in my mouth habitually. An habitual line stepper if you will. I recently came into this issue not long ago when all these nightmares began.
It started at the bar Rez in my local township where Jim, Sky and I meet. After leaving, and their worries about my relationship still in my mind I didn't much feel like going home. Depressed about a death seen on the television with no just cause, a girl approached me with the blondest of hair, firmness of body and of course an attitude of danger, sexually and mentally. I can remember clarity, relaxation and hot breathe but not much else............. I awoke the next morning counting the squares on my ceiling also thinking I was quite glad to be home. I came to looking across my bed seeing a lump which looked like my feather pillow I have had since childhood. A short breath came from beneath the lump and a golden hair fell from a gap on the side of the sheets. Sweating I looked under the lump, I felt life stop as it was and a sick sensation invaded every area of my body nothing was safe, I was a deer to oncoming traffic looking down at this half-naked girls body. I desperately tried to remember if I had done anything to this person, anything that would make me sick to my stomach. I almost felt I had committed murder stabbing my life relationship with Polly in the grand total of 24hrs. Amazing figures were just created folks 5 years wiped in 24hrs you do the math.
The worse thing was, part of me was smug about the deviant act committed. I crept out on my hind legs and left the room to at least get a fix of sugary substances before I traced my steps back. I put on the white noise of television. Again, another death. This time similar apparently happening during sleep even to people as young as myself.
"So strange, I hope it isn't contagious"
I opened up my coffee lid comically like a cheesy commercial smelling the grounds before setting myself up. Before I had any recollection of the awkwardness of leaving the apartment with the strange girl there to have her shower, I did not even stop to think if she a is a thief or not. Didn't even register as I had a meeting with Polly. It was one of those days where everything just seemed unbearable. People equaled nothing. Process was abandoned and train of thought lost. I sat down in the Love is Over Cafe' an almost coincidental name for my situation. Of course I was thinking of the worse. I was I going to swallow this hockey puck sized pill that was last night. My perverted side was trying to think what was kinky about the evening. But drew a complete blank. Without noticing Polly had made a noise with her coffee cup and spoon. I was so out of it I did not even realise she was there. Cynically she provokes "So how was your dream just then" I chuckled of course being the obedient type. Scratching my head thinking of something to say I stuttered out with a shred of confidence.
"So how about those people dying in their sleep Polly?"
"Don't you think it's strange it's only when they sleep."
"I wonder if it's a dream."
"Come to think of it Polly I always die in my dreams or someone is trying to kill me."
"I wish it was around the other way sometimes."
Polly's response was less than anticipated almost abruptly butting in and saying arrogantly
"I do most of the killing in my dreams"
Her smile was a sinister as the Grinch's. Casually stirring her coffee she states.
"Are you going out tonight?"
The last words seemed to echo as I drifted into day-dream. Suddenly I felt scared and somehow locked in another world. I heard the foot steps of others behind me but not regular noises instead clops like a hoof of some sort. I turned around in the black abyss to find nothing but sheep walking like humans towards a pink and white light.
"Why am I in boxers?"
"Why love hearts?!?!?!?"
Somehow I had no control and felt my body moving closer towards the light where the sheep were going. One of the sheep looked with its beady red eyes directly at me. With no expression on its face I could sense him trying to say move on.
Entering the light I then began to examine the seemingly strange but simple world entered seeing a Qbert
Shocked I looked down to see a large set of vainly hands almost ghoulish colouring with strangely the most beautiful red finger nails. Somehow the voice was familiar but this voice had almost a robotic demonic tone.
"Could this be how the others were killed?"
Catherine's Fan Fiction Draft
The Ataris - The Hero Dies in This One
Above is the song that I have chosen to turn into a fanfic piece. It is by the band The Ataris and using the song The Hero Dies in This One from their So Long, Astoria album I have incorporated lyrics from the original song to help create this fanfic piece.
Above is the song that I have chosen to turn into a fanfic piece. It is by the band The Ataris and using the song The Hero Dies in This One from their So Long, Astoria album I have incorporated lyrics from the original song to help create this fanfic piece.
Glancing down first at the bag which lay lifeless at my feet and secondly at the watch on my wrist I connected my hand (once again) with the silver bell sitting on the reception desk.
“Coming! I’m coming.”
An old lady bustled through the curtain that joined the reception and what looked to be her living room as a faint smell of fresh baking drifted through to reach my nose.
“Sorry about that. I’ve got the grandkids coming over soon and they do love my brownies! So what room are you checking out of?”
All my previous feelings of annoyance dispersed as I answered the smiling lady in front of me by handing her my room key on the ratty numbered tag.
“Room 108 ma’am.”
“Did you have a good stay in Anderson Mr...”
“Roe. Mr Roe. Well...it was everything I expected it to be.”
“Good. That’s good.”
Silence settles over the small office except for the sound of her slow meticulous entries on the keyboard and also what sounded to be, today’s episode of Wheel of Fortune playing through the curtain.
“Well that’s all done Mr Roe. Have safe travels wherever you’re heading.”
Disappearing behind the curtain, I followed her lead and left through the dirty glass door greeted by the chilly autumn breeze rippling through my clothes. Zipping up my jacket and crunching leaves as I walked towards my car, I couldn’t help but miss the seasons of my former hometown.
Driving through town for the last time, of this visit anyway, I saw all the places that mean so much (or so little) to me. Regardless of my feelings, these were the places that brought back all the memories.
The fairgrounds where everything seemed to go wrong for the first time, my former high school, my childhood home, everywhere that had some significance of my life, or my former life as the case may be.
All these places seemed to centre around my dad. The man who did his best and who taught me what being strong really was, especially through hard times. I’m not quite sure what I am expected to do now that he has died.
These, and so many more memories flooded my thoughts as I drove on through the night until I hit Oklahoma City and found another second rate motel to stay the night. Tomorrow I would try and drive straight through to LA without stopping. Get back to this girl I was seeing, Erin.
After checking in, finding my room and realising that there was nothing good on television that night I retired to bed and thought about Anderson. I knew I didn’t go back there enough, and I do hate that the only reason I went back this time was to say my final goodbyes to my father, but I just can’t feel for that town, what I feel for my home now. I can’t hate a town my whole life, then visit it every year. All that does is remind me of all the things I hated about my former life. It was just unfortunate that my parents stayed in Anderson albeit in their separate houses, but still in the same town. Because regardless of my feelings about the town, they were still my parents and I loved them and I just can’t help but think about what I am going to do now that my father has gone.
Regret flooded my room and I sat there drowning my thoughts and thinking of all the things I didn’t do enough. Like tell my folks that I loved them. Appreciate all that they did for me. But I guess now they’ll never know, although I will hope that deep down they knew all along.
“Coming! I’m coming.”
An old lady bustled through the curtain that joined the reception and what looked to be her living room as a faint smell of fresh baking drifted through to reach my nose.
“Sorry about that. I’ve got the grandkids coming over soon and they do love my brownies! So what room are you checking out of?”
All my previous feelings of annoyance dispersed as I answered the smiling lady in front of me by handing her my room key on the ratty numbered tag.
“Room 108 ma’am.”
“Did you have a good stay in Anderson Mr...”
“Roe. Mr Roe. Well...it was everything I expected it to be.”
“Good. That’s good.”
Silence settles over the small office except for the sound of her slow meticulous entries on the keyboard and also what sounded to be, today’s episode of Wheel of Fortune playing through the curtain.
“Well that’s all done Mr Roe. Have safe travels wherever you’re heading.”
Disappearing behind the curtain, I followed her lead and left through the dirty glass door greeted by the chilly autumn breeze rippling through my clothes. Zipping up my jacket and crunching leaves as I walked towards my car, I couldn’t help but miss the seasons of my former hometown.
Driving through town for the last time, of this visit anyway, I saw all the places that mean so much (or so little) to me. Regardless of my feelings, these were the places that brought back all the memories.
The fairgrounds where everything seemed to go wrong for the first time, my former high school, my childhood home, everywhere that had some significance of my life, or my former life as the case may be.
All these places seemed to centre around my dad. The man who did his best and who taught me what being strong really was, especially through hard times. I’m not quite sure what I am expected to do now that he has died.
These, and so many more memories flooded my thoughts as I drove on through the night until I hit Oklahoma City and found another second rate motel to stay the night. Tomorrow I would try and drive straight through to LA without stopping. Get back to this girl I was seeing, Erin.
After checking in, finding my room and realising that there was nothing good on television that night I retired to bed and thought about Anderson. I knew I didn’t go back there enough, and I do hate that the only reason I went back this time was to say my final goodbyes to my father, but I just can’t feel for that town, what I feel for my home now. I can’t hate a town my whole life, then visit it every year. All that does is remind me of all the things I hated about my former life. It was just unfortunate that my parents stayed in Anderson albeit in their separate houses, but still in the same town. Because regardless of my feelings about the town, they were still my parents and I loved them and I just can’t help but think about what I am going to do now that my father has gone.
Regret flooded my room and I sat there drowning my thoughts and thinking of all the things I didn’t do enough. Like tell my folks that I loved them. Appreciate all that they did for me. But I guess now they’ll never know, although I will hope that deep down they knew all along.
“How was everything back in Anderson Kris?”
Sitting in the sunny window front of the coffee shop, Erin sat down in the seat across from me and smiled as she picked up the coffee that I had already ordered for her.
“Oh ya know. The usual.”
“Well I’m glad you’re home anyway. We’ve got that gig to go to tonight yeah?”
“Yeah we do. I’ll swing by and pick you up around 9 or so?”
“Sounds good.”
Even as we continued talking I couldn’t help but let my thoughts stray back to Anderson. I guess sometimes I do miss that place, more than I am even willing to admit to myself.
Sitting in the sunny window front of the coffee shop, Erin sat down in the seat across from me and smiled as she picked up the coffee that I had already ordered for her.
“Oh ya know. The usual.”
“Well I’m glad you’re home anyway. We’ve got that gig to go to tonight yeah?”
“Yeah we do. I’ll swing by and pick you up around 9 or so?”
“Sounds good.”
Even as we continued talking I couldn’t help but let my thoughts stray back to Anderson. I guess sometimes I do miss that place, more than I am even willing to admit to myself.
Jeremy's Fan Fiction Draft
Source Code: The Capsule Man
A flood of agony and pain rushes all the way from Sean's head and continuing down to his spine, spreading out to his arms, hands and legs...Sean's eyes fought with the sunlight trying to open both his eyelids. He was on a train, sitting in front of him is a beautiful woman looking out the window of the modern designed train. Other seats on the train either was taken or was occupied with peoples belongings.
Still not really able to recognize where he is or how he even got to this place, Sean was desperate for answers. He finally coordinated himself and sat up, “Where am I? What's going on here? What happened to my men??!!”, “What are you talking about Steve?...You had a bad dream? Haha!!”. Sean was utterly confused. He knew his name wasn't Steve, the woman sitting opposite of him seems to know who he is, but why is she calling him Steve? A lady from seats behind Sean was headed to the upstairs compartments for more tea walked past, and managed to spill and miss Sean or the woman in front of him. Sean stood up after she walked past and headed to the bathroom himself.
Sean decided maybe washing his face and refreshing himself might help the situation. Sean dived his head into the sink and held his breath. He grabbed a paper towel as he lifted his head up, and trying to keep his eyes closed to keep any water out of his eyes. He roughly dried his face and hands, and this was when he noticed something different. He looked at his hands carefully, and slowly lifted his head up. “WHO THE HELL IS THIS???????”, was his first reaction. Sean no longer looked like who he used to be, and every single bit of his face did not belong to him. He stormed out of the bathroom trying to figure out what was going on.
With the face he did not recognize on him, he thought asking the woman what was going on might be a good idea. As he stumbles through the isle, he sees from carts and carts away through the windows inside the train, was an explosion he knew it would not matter if he hid in a safe place. He did not flinch at all because he has dealt with this kind of explosions too many times during his training to know where this was going.
Another flood of agony and pain rushes all the way from Sean's head and continuing down to his spine, spreading out to his arms, hands and legs...But this time, Sean did not fight to open his eyelids. He opened them wide open. He finds himself in a capsule like chamber, with safety belts on him to keep him strapped in mid air but able to move his arms and legs freely. Out of no where, a monitor above Sean lightens. In the monitor was another woman, but she had blue eyes and blonde hair. She was wearing a commanding officers suit with too many stripes on her chest for Sean to count.
“Sean...Sean...Flight Lieutenant Sean Barker do you copy?....Lieutenant Barker?”
“This is Flight Lieutenant Sean Barker speaking....Where am I? What's going on?? What happened to my men??”
“Lieutenant Barker what is the last thing you remember?”
“......I was out on a mission and my hawk was targeted down by the enemy fliers.....What is going on? I request to talk to my father please...”
“Lieutenant do you remember my name??
“Lieutenant please try to remember.”
Sean thinks back to when he was still on his Hawk fighter when he was on his last mission, and tries to connect everything to what has just happened. He had absolutely no idea what was going on, but he knew he had to figure out the name of the woman in the monitor. He easily spotted the name tag the woman was wearing in the monitor.
“Hello, Commanding Officer Goodwin.”
“Welcome back Lieutenant. Now tell me what you saw on the train. Did you find the bomber?”
“Tell me what the hell is going on here first or Im not saying a word!”
“...Lieutenant Barker, you are on a top secret mission, black ops, even the president doesn't know about this.”
“How did I just get to that train and come back here??”
“Through years of research and experimenting, we have developed a technology that can save millions of people called the source code.”
Sean listens carefully.
“The source code allows you to go back to a persons memory roughly about eight minutes before the subject died. The subject we have you on is a high school teacher called Derek, Derek Warren. Derek Warren was on a train that is going to explode due to a terrorist attack, and we need you to find our bomber for us.”
“So you mean, my body is now connected with a dead mans brain to look for a bomber who planted a bomb on the train?”
“That is correct, Lieutenant.”
“This is nonsense! Get me out of here!! I request to talk to my supervisor!!!”
“I'm afraid I cannot do that until you complete your mission Lieutenant.”
“I'm sorry, Lieutenant.” Goodwin pushes the blue button at her hand.
A flood of agony and pain rushes all the way from Sean's head and continuing down to his spine, spreading out to his arms, hands and legs...And again, Sean's eyes fought with the sunlight trying to open both his eyelids. Sean was back to the train, confused without a clue of what is going on.
Goodwin picks up her coffee mug and walked to what seems like a control room. Inside the room was a large cubed container. Goodwin opened the container. Inside the container was a man, man who had no legs no arms and seems to have lost consciousness for a long time. Goodwin picked up the dog-tag on the mans chest and caressed it with sadness. The dog-tag had a name forged onto it, the name was Sean Barker.
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